With their reach spanning across six continents, Kynetec is a global leader in market insights for the animal health and agriculture sectors, collaborating with farming, agronomists and veterinary communities. Their core business is to collect and process information about availability, usage or performance of specific services, products or industries, to support their clients and business partners. Using their extensive areas of expertise, they are able to use client-specific research to provide innovative solutions which enable their clients to build effective business strategies and maximise their potential.
The DPO Centre worked alongside the Kynetec leadership and GDPR steering group to assess the organisation’s initial level of compliance and identify areas for improvement. This involved completing a detailed data mapping exercise and performing risk assessments for various business functions. From this exercise, a plan was put in place to aid Kynetec in demonstrating their compliance with the GDPR.
The DPO Centre now provides an outsourced Data Protection Officer who gives support and advice to Kynetec’s in house GDPR leads. Together they have made significant progress in actioning the improvements highlighted in the initial compliance assessment. The DPO Centre also provides Kynetec with an ongoing advice line service which means that any queries are resolved quickly and effectively even on days where their DPO is not specifically working with them.
Cameron McAnsh, the Global Head of Information Technology at Kynetec, said:
“The global reach of Kynetec has created many challenges for our data protection compliance. However, the DPO Centre has been a great help in identifying where improvements were needed and implementing the appropriate solutions.
Our outsourced DPO from the DPO Centre is able to provide our GDPR team with the right advice and support when they require, enabling them to keep progressing towards achieving our long-term data protection goals. Now, more than ever, we are confident that with the help the DPO Centre provides, we can continue to deliver high quality market research to our clients without compromising on data protection.”
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